Browsing Charities
212076 - 212100 of 215K results

Achievement for All (UK, 1142154) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

1 in 5 children are desperately struggling in school. Achievement for All believes that all children should have the chance to succeed to their potential regardless of challenge, background or need. We reach the lowest 20% of vulnerable children to transform their life chances through education.

Live (US, 80-0772569) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Center Of Argentine Students And Alumni In The United States (US, 52-2230676) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Our mission is to create a network of Argentines and friends of Argentina who share our cultural tra

Sandbox at Madelines Place (US, Sandbox at Madelines Place - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Gallatin Performance Academy Inc. (US, 833611480) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

DARUL ELM COMMUNITY CENTRE LTD (UK, 1160892) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Hopkinton Youth Field Hockey Inc (US, 882757851) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Airedale & Bradford Out on a Limb (UK, 1144127) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Airedale & Bradford Out on a Limb is a local registered charity that aims to improve the quality of life for both new and existing amputees. We aim to improve the daily life of amputees in the Airedale and Bradford areas. We do this by providing advice and information, counselling, and, where appropriate, some limited financial assistance.We also hold social events and trips, which give amputees a chance to exchange experiences and enable those who may be largely house-bound a chance to get out and about. Charity No: 1144127 Find out more Website

Smart Communities Inc (AU, 57558692246) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Direct Aid for Africa (UK, XR23527) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Every penny of every pound donated to DAFA is put where it is needed with those who help administer the charity or are involved in facilitating any of its projects doing so entirely at their own expense. DAFA works predominantly in Zambia through a range of projects focusing on health care, education and self-help.

East Hampshire Citizens Advice Bureau Limited (UK, 1129850) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Citizens Advice service provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination. The service aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they face, and to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.

Lancaster Corps Community Center (US, #94-1156347.039) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do

UNCLE KORY FOUNDATION (US, 46-4485313) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The Uncle Kory Foundation (UKF) is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization inspired by the life of Kory Lewis Hunter. The Uncle Kory Foundation’s mission is to advance innovative and collaborative brain cancer research to specifically

Hickory Rotary Charitable Foundation (US, Hickory Rotary Charitable Foundation - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Commonbond Communities (AU, 411260469) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Second Chance Sheridan Cat Rescue (US, Second Chance Sheridan Cat Rescue - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Hot Chocolate Trust (UK, SC 035714) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Hot Chocolate Trust is a Youth Work organisation, based in the city centre of Dundee, operating from The Steeple Church. We work with young people aged 12-21 who hang out in the city centre (around 150 different young people over the course of a fortnight). We don’t ‘put stuff on’ for the young people, instead we support them to develop their own opportunities – that way there’s a shed load more skills and confidence developed. Most importantly, Hot Chocolate is a place where the young people feel 'at home' and feel surrounded by ‘family’.

Peteys Playground (AU, 275194103) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Teens Step Up Inc (US, Teens Step Up Inc - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Sunrise Horse Rescue (US, Sunrise Horse Rescue - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Mansfield And District Scout Council (UK, 522440) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Scouting offers challenge and adventure to 400,000 young people and 100,000 adults across the UK. We do some pretty amazing things in Scouting, but for us, adventure is a way of life and not just an activity or expedition. Our Scouts grow in confidence by trying out new skills and stretching themselves. Whether it’s an Explorer trying out his French on an international trip or a Scout leading his Patrol for the first time, each time we challenge ourselves, it’s a step forward. When a Scout stands up to a bully, or sticks up for what they believe in; that’s an adventure.

Lucy Daniels Center for Early Childhood (US, 58-1863104) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

We are the largest provider of mental and emotional health services in the Triangle region of North Carolina. Our multi-disciplinary team, which includes recognized experts in mental health and education, works together with families to provid

Lake Orion Fireworks Foundation Inc (US, 882028225) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Lucys Hearth (US, 22-2566612) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00