Chance For Life raises the awareness and gather particular funds to help to perform the highly technological medical operations for children. We also devoted to caring for disadvantaged children from Russian orphanages who are deprived of home care and love. Chance for Life also supports kids and young people in education. We do hope participation in this event will act as an umbrella to unite like-minded people and organizations willing to pursue the charitable courses including financial, emotional and social support.
Salusbury Junior School PTA (now known as Salusbury Primary School PSA) is a social and fund-raising organisation for all staff and parents at the school. We raise money so that the 620 children who attend Salusbury Primary School can have a really great start in life. These children come from many cultures and backgrounds. We need to raise money to give them the things that they don't get enough of. Currently, this means giving them a lot more access to sport, outdoor activities and music. We work closely with the teachers and children to find out what would make the biggest difference to children's learning environment. They told us they needed a library, and we built one from scratch. Now, you can help us do far more!
Global Lyme Alliance, formed by the merger of Lyme Research Alliance (LRA) and Tick-Borne Disease Alliance (TBDA), is a leading private nonprofit organization in the United States dedicated to finding a cure and accurate test for Lyme disease as we
Fleetwood Primary School is a community that values independent, lifelong learning and encourages excellence in each individual. Our school motto is 'Achieving Excellence Together'.
We are a vibrant community of learners set in the heart of the Mangere East Community. We believe a strong partnership between the home and school is the key to supporting our kids to thrive in their learning. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us!
25th Annual MCS FUN RUN Friday, October 27, 2017 This healthy student fundraiser is a yearly favorite! Preschool and elementary students receive pledges from family and friends to run laps around Makiki Park (two year-olds run laps around the MCS Cottage classroom playground). The purpose of the MCS FUN RUN is to help provide a diverse MCS student body. Please help the students reach their goals and have fun at the same time!