College Street Normal School is a public primary school in Palmerston North, New Zealand with a roll approximately 600 children. Our school motto "Excellence Through Inspired Participation-Go for Gold!" We aspire our students to be life- long learners with the required attitudes, dispositions and skills to adapt to our ever-changing world.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.By supporting Cedar Hall School PSFA through voluntary donations you will help provide experiences and resources that will enrich the lives of our students. Cedar Hall School is an innovative and forward looking all age (5-16) Essex LEA School, which provides education for pupils who primarily experience global moderate learning difficulties, as well as speech, language, emotional, behavioural or autistic spectrum secondary disabilities. Charity No: 1027575 Find out more Website Facebook
Awel Aman Tawe is a small charity based in South Wales. We are developing a community owned and operated wind farm. Profits generaterd from the sale of electricity will be used to regenerate the Upper Amman and Swansea Valleys in a sustainable fashon. We are also involved with giving advice to other communites who wish to develop their own RE project via the EST's Ynni'rb Fro Project.
The Royal Marines Museum in Southsea, Hampshire is an award-winning museum that proudly showcases the long and distinguished history of the Royal Marines Corps. Though free educational visits, engaging family activities, acclaimed exhibitions and much more besides, the Museum provides the public, young and old alike, with an unique opportunity to understand the Corps and the remarkable people - past and present - within it.
Gorseland School PFA plan, organise and run events and activities for the school children, their families and the wider community to raise additional funds. This money is then used to purchase items/equipment, etc., for the benefit of all of the pupils, that the Schools Budget cannot stretch to.
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
Home-Start Kennet has been supporting families for over 25 years. We work with families from all walks of life throughout Tidworth, Marlborough and Devizes and their surrounding villages. We offer a unique method of providing support to families. We recruit parent-volunteers who are professionally trained and supported to work with families experiencing stress who have at least one child under 5. Our volunteers provide support which is tailored to the individual needs of each family. The service we offer is preventive and aims to address difficulties so that they do not escalate (into crisis or even breakdown) by promoting family resilience. We support both military and civilian families who may be experiencing stress due to one or more of the following: Loneliness or isolation Separation due to Military deployment Bereavement Lone parents Twins or multiple children under 5 Ill health, disability or special needs Relationship breakdown Financial difficulties
Queen Alexandra Cottage Homes is a registered charity and a member of the Almshouse Association. We are a unique retirement complex for both the active elderly and those who require nursing care. Set in beautiful, serene gardens and with a philosophy of mutual support and respect, it is recognised as a national model for retirement living and an unrivalled charity in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Providing accommodation to local residents of limited income, our aim is to provide a high standard of care, a happy environment and to promote independence within a homely, peaceful atmosphere. Care at Queen Alexandra Cottage Homes is centred on individual needs and is delivered with patience, kindness and understanding. We recognise the intrinsic value of each person, regardless of their physical of cognitive impairment. Our aim is to help all those who live with us to maintain their independence as far as possible and to feel they are living in their own home, but with the reassurance that they have access to additional support and care whenever they need it.