Asthma Foundation Queensland and New South Wales supports people living with asthma. Asthma affects one in 10 Australians and kills approximately 400 people per year. There is no cure for asthma and we do not know what causes the condition. The Foundation funds life saving asthma research and provides asthma education programs, asthma management advice and support to people living with asthma. Your donation will help reduce the impact of this chronic condition that affects over 2 million Australians. You will be helping us to achieve our vision of ‘A community free from Asthma’
Holloway United Therapies (HUT) provide a free service to support vulnerable women affected by the Criminal Justice System. HUT were established by the renown Psychological Team at HMP Holloway after the prison closed in 2016. We found that women and their families benefit greatly from our support.
Our principal aim is to support elderly residents of the Deepings and the surrounding area, by providing help and services such as: and contact with gardening and handyman services. We have been around for just over 25 years. We rely heavily on the help offered by a splendid team of volunteers!
Foundation for Cancer Care in Tanzania reduces the morbidity of cancer for Northern Tanzanians through prevention, early detection, improved diagnostic and treatment options, and palliative care working in collaboration with: Duke Global Health Ins
is a religion based on believing in everything that is objectively real. We are in an evangelizing phase where we have a publicist and we're trying to get national attention to inject Reality and Science i
We are a non-pr
Bristol Buddhist vihara was established in 2012 as a Charity. The resident monks teach the Buddhist way, Meditation and language classes, organizing celebrations, cultural events, and counseling to preserve and protect health by a deeper understanding of life using mindfulness, a way of promoting healing and relieving stress. We provide for individuals and families' social and spiritual needs from a large geographic area covering the southwest of England, Wales, and Ireland through incredible perseverance.