Community Health Councils (CHC) is a non-profit, community-based health education and policy organization. Established in 1992, our mission is to promote social justice and achieve equity in community and environmental resources to improve the heal
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
The Guildford Waterside Centre is an independent registered charity facility and provides facilities and services for a number of organisations in the Guildford area. The member clubs that use the premises are: Also associated with the centre are: In addition, the facilities can be hired. Please contact [email protected] The Centre's running costs and maintenance are largely covered by membership revenue from the membership clubs and hiring the premises. Extra funds are always needed for updating and modernising the existing facilities. If you feel you would like to donate or fundraise for us, we would welcome your support however, large or small. During 2013/2015 The Waterside Centre is hoping to expand and develop its premises and improve the facilities for the local community, the clubs and disabled users, look out for our massive Fundraising Appeal.
The Hertfordshire Care Trust runs three projects for children and young people who are under-achieving, in difficulties or at risk. The Wheels ProjectThe Project runs a workshop and organises activities so that young people who might otherwise be excluded can participate in education and training.It helps them to :- adopt stable life styles, train for recognised qualifications, achieve worthwhile objectives and develop new interests. The Wheels Mobile ProjectA converted double decker bus with games consoles, IT equipment, cooking facilities, music, information and guidance materials relevant to young people. It is provided to young people free of charge and in their local community. The Ace ProjectA project for children who are not attending school because of problems in the home and/or at school. It operates in over half of Hertfordshire and has been running since 1999 with great success.
We provide seeds, growing space, and know-how for households to cultivate their own nutritious foods in Community Gardens, with the option to sell excess food for cash. Our program gives special preference in serving pregnant women, nursing mothers