The FOD Family Support Group is an all volunteer family-based 501c3 Nonprofit Corporation. All services are free of charge. Our Mission is... ● to network with FOD Families & Professionals around the world and to provide emotional/grief support services to the Families (and in the local East Lansing, MI area -, info about living with these rare genetic metabolic disorders, and Updates to inform families of new developments in screening, diagnosis, research and treatment. We offer a National Conference every 2 years and very active online groups on google groups and Facebook that network Families & Professionals from around the world. ● to create awareness about FODs, to educate the public, and to advocate expanded universal and comprehensive newborn screening & long-term follow-up treatment for FODs and other related metabolic disorders. ● to raise funds for the clinical training of Physicians and promoting research investigation into expanded newborn screening, diagnosis, effective treatment options, and/or cures for the various FODs; and to distribute this info to our family population and funds to clinicians and researchers involved with families affected by Fatty Oxidation Disorders.
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro
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