Samaritans provide non-judgemental confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Funds are needed to support our telephone, face-to-face and email contact with people in emotional crisis, including those with suicidal thoughts. Our Weston Super Mare Branch answers over 15,000 calls annually. We rely on local fundraising and donations to meet the costs of our service. Our basic cost is £350 per week (approximately £50 each day) – could you sponsor us for a DAY or a WEEK?
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Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.The Foundation was established in 2006 in memory of Dr Benjamin Angel. The Foundation supports a range of relief, educational, and medical organisations and other charitable causes where its contributions can make a real difference. In particular, the Foundation supports charitable projects in the Jewish community, in Israel and in the medical field of which the trustees believe Benjamin would have been proud, alongside making donations to a wider range of charities. Our MyDonate page allows supporters to undertake projects and activities inspired by Benjamin to raise funds for other charities they wish to support in his memory. Charity No: 1114062
CatholicCare Hunter-Manning is a not-for-profit mission and outreach agency of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle committed to providing excellence in care and assistance to families, children and individuals throughout Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Upper Hunter and Manning areas, regardless of age, gender or religion. Our services include child and family services, youth services, disability and community services and foster care training and support. Specifically, we offer marriage education, counselling for individuals and families, employee assistance counselling, foster care, adoption services, youth crisis accommodation and support services, disability accommodation and support services, mental health support, parenting support and family services.
We want people who live, work and play in Hammersmith & Fulham to have fulfilling lives. Working with local residents, businesses and organisations, we want to create communities and neighbourhoods in which people feel safe, valued and connected.
Building hope - creating community. We offer support, advocacy and a 13-bedroom home in central Chesterfield. With a Christian ethos and a structured routine, including assessment and training, we help people to move towards successful and independent lives after 6-month to 2 year stay.