Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Heathfield and Waldron Community First Responders are volunteer members of the community, trained to respond to emergency calls through the 999 system in conjunction with the Ambulance Service. Charity No: 1155472 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter
Conifer Grove School is a multicultural school with over 500 students and 47 staff. We have exceptionally talented students and provide a wide range of sporting, cultural, academic, musical and technology opportunities. Our core values of Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Caring and Excellence underpin all that we do.
The aim of our group is to give the opportunity of riding to any disabled person who might benefit in general health or happiness. We ride in Arundel, West Sussex. We are part of the national RDA organisation.
Revive supports the work of the Regional Intensive Care Unit and High Dependency Unit in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. The money raised by REVIVE is used to purchase equipment, improve facilities and services for patients and their families and support research and development projects.
Want to know why I'm giving away my children's inheritance? After living and serving in Haiti, especially following the earthquake, I saw far too many bright, talented students sitting idle on a heap of shattered dreams, filled with d
To support local initiatives supporting the development of a positive mathematical culture within the African continent at all academic levels. There are huge divides in terms of access and quality of education across Africa. Mathematics in particular proves problematic for students and teachers alike, falling far short of global standards. There is however no shortage of passionate, enthusiastic and talented individuals in these countries with powerful ideas to improve the current state of education. SAMI was founded in 2013 as a means to support these local initiatives, and provide the expertise and funding necessary to implement, sustain and scale these ideas. By working directly with local people and organisations that have support and contacts within mathematics education, SAMI is well positioned to help deliver high impact solutions where they are needed most. Find out more Website Facebook
-To provide the various essential resources to create opportunities for orphans t
Grady High School is a flagship