Promotes positive family values through a range of home and group based services focusing on child development and parenting
As a nonprofit community theater, Forest Moon Theater’s mission is to provide a multidimensional theater program that entertains, engages, and educates. By offering live performances, opportunities to participate in theatrical productions, an
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Mission Our mission is simple: to find, to feed, and to be a light in dark places to God’s lost sheep. To find: means going wherever God calls the ministry, Jesus, said in Mark 16:15-16 “Go ye into all
Our aim is to ensure every child and young person under 21 living in Jersey with cancer and their family receive the support they need. All the money we raise is spent solely on supporting the families of Jersey children. If you are raising money in Jersey we can provide you with a fundraising pack.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.Friends was formed in 1974 and is made up of Parents, Staff and Governers.We hold fund raising events during the year such as Bingo, Summer Fete, Activity Day, Bags to School, Quiz Nights, Christmas Raffle.
All services are provided in a caring, compassionate, and
It makes charitable donations to both UK and International charities by research undertaken by the Trustees and through grant applications. The Trustees carry out due diligence and determine grants based upon the impact a donation will have on local communities and on improving people's lives.