The Pacific Union College (PUC) Missions page is a way for you to personally support mission work around the globe. Every year PUC sends students to be missionaries locally and throughout the world, toward the purpose o
We aim to create conditions for individuals to put into practice Buddhist teachings whereby we can take responsibility for, and transform, our attitudes and actions and develop empathy with all beings through meditation, altruism and friendship. We've been providing meditation instruction, Buddhist study and retreats since 1981. Open to all.
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
CLEAR works with CYP aged between 3 – 18 years of age. We have recognised that this group represent the often unheard victims of abusive relationships, who do not meet the criteria for intervention provided by statutory bodies, either because their behaviors are not considered serious enough to require intervention, or more commonly, because the traumatic effects of their experiences go unrecognised. Without support, these CYP are at risk of developing low self-esteem, eating disorders, poor performance or attendance at school and other social and behavioral problems. Sadly, these CYP may carry the baggage of their past into their adult lives and thus the cycle of abuse is perpetuated. Through counseling we offer the CYP the experience of a healthy relationship. Changes take place in the way that the CYP is able to communicate, concentrate and develop a trusting, working relationship with the counsellor. These CYP flourish in the therapeutic setting and learn how to build safe relationships within their family and friendship circles. The CYP's general behaviors change as their confidence grows in themselves and in the life situation they are coping with. Group work with peers enables CYP to have some fun and experience some positive feelings and share their concerns and fears with others whom they can trust. Their involvement in the project and being heard by CLEAR reinforces their trust and self-belief. Working with their counsellors and peers helps to provide coping strategies for the CYP and non-abusing parent / carer. This provides them with the confidence to be supportive of others within and outside of the group. The groups also take part in days out and we are particularly keen to take advantage of Cornwall's fantastic environment as "The best classroom and the richest cupboard roofed only by the sky" and embracing the concept of eco-psychology to help where parents and children have become estranged through trauma or sexual abuse and domestic violence. Without support, it is recognised that CYP who have experienced abusive relationships are more likely to end up in similar situations themselves as adults. The coping strategies and development of self-esteem and valuation of self, helps CYP to break the cycle of abusive relationships and recognise and avoid dangerous situations. The development of understanding of self and what has happened to them encourages the CYP to take part in social activities, relationships and become re-integrated into their school and learning. CLEAR is the only child centred therapeutic service in Cornwall that can work with CYP who have been traumatised by either direct experience or witnessing abusive relationships. Clear offers individual therapy and group work for CYP, provided by BACP registered counselors who have undergone specialist training in child and adolescent therapy. CLEAR also offers support to the non-abusing carer both individually and with the child. It is the use of specifically trained counselors and the availability of group therapy that makes CLEAR unique. Additionally, 80% of the CLEAR management committee and project workers are professionals working in some capacity with vulnerable CYP in Cornwall.
We provide alternative options to infanticide by offering a hom
To bring together families of the fallen and everyday Americans in PATRIOTIC UNITY. Gather at a full-featured website that displays photos and profiles of military heroes killed in action... all the way back to the Civil War. Select your customized hero profiles, join and invite others to personalized live-chat candle vigils. leave a public or private message on our heroes' message wall... much much more. Help us to reassure these great America families that we will NEVER forget their loved one's sacrifice. Visit our web site or join us on Facebook.
Our most important goal is to communicate hope and healing to men, women, family members and friends who are impacted by abortion. We provide safe, anonymous tools to begin healing and equip leaders to effectively
Poole Sailability enables anyone with a disability to enjoy the exciting sport of sailing in beautiful Poole Harbour