The Estes Church of Christ is partnering with the Iglesia de Cristo Ayllu in Cusco, Peru, to help them reach a vital goal in the life of the church! Over the past six years, God has blessed this congregation with incredible growth, and, now averagi
The Lamm Jewish Library of Australia sees the merger of Makor Jewish Community Library with the communal libraries of Kadimah, the Holocaust Centre and the Jewish Museum, as well as the archives of the Australian Jewish Genealogical Society and the Australian Jewish Historical Society. The newly expanded library is housed at 304 Hawthorn Road, in the property adjacent to Beth Weizmann Community Centre. The new facility provides improved access to all library collections, increased programs for the community and will serve as a hub for communal educational and cultural activity. The State Government under former Premier John Brumby gave its seal of approval to the project in November 2010 when it presented the Zionist Council with a $1 million dollar grant for the expansion of the Makor Jewish Community Library. The grant was conditional upon matching funds being provided and the generous donation by Rafi Lamm and his parents Danny and Rolene has more than met that condition. Dr Danny Lamm, immediate past president of the ZCV and current president of the ECAJ, said “The Lamm Jewish Library of Australia is poised to be a cornerstone of Jewish communal life and our family is delighted to be directly involved in its foundation and future development.” Library Director Leonie Fleiszig noted “A small, humble Jewish library that began with a few books in a room at the first Beth Weizmann in St Kilda Road in the mid-1980s, will now be an invaluable community resource.” 2012 also marked 50 years of combined library service by Fleiszig and her predecessor Ros Collins, Makor’s first library director and a dedicated volunteer for the last decade. The two began working together at Makor in 1987. In 2010 the ZCV honoured Ros Collins with a Community Volunteer Award for her commitment. The Lamm JLA, a modern hub of multi-faceted Jewish learning, includes state-of-the-art computer software, with cataloguing available in English, Hebrew and Yiddish. More than 30,000 books are available on the library shelves and thousands of audio-visual materials including dvds, cds, video cassettes, posters, journals in English, Hebrew and Yiddish are included in the collection. In addition to incorporating collections from Kadimah, the Holocaust Centre and the Jewish Museum, the library has received the private collection of Serge Liberman, the Ecological Society’s collection, Bereaved Parents and Glen Eira Library’s Judaica collection. A new reception and security entrance provides safe entry to people who want to utilise the library, meeting spaces for community organisations, private areas for study and research, and open areas for discussion, book clubs, children’s story time and film screenings.
St Luke's Organ Fund was set up in January 2006 to raise £290,000 in order to preserve and restore the magnificent 100 year old T. C Lewis organ in the church.
An independent registered charity providing specialist play and recreational services for disabled children and young people, and information, support and respite care for their families.The purpose-built indoor facilities and extensive landscaped outdoor areas are open 7 days a week all year round.
The mission for PNI “conservation education” has not changed or diminished! Today PNI owns a for-profit farm, Caledonia Farms that is used as a training facility for those wishing to learn about permaculture and nature friendly methods
Football Gambia is not just about football. Our goal is to educate children and develop communities in The Gambia. We provide educational materials to schools/nurseries and encourage self sufficiency through farming and business initiatives. Check out our website:
John Lyall Charity provides educational and community programmes for street children and families in Wawa, a shanty town in the Philippines. JLC’s projects have three main aims: We believe in empowering the people of Wawa to improve their lives in a sustainable way through education. Please see our website
Thank you for visiting our online fundraising page for All Souls School PTA. Any donation you can make, however small, will be appreciated. All of the money you donate will be spent on the children. All Souls School is a small primary school with a vibrant community in central London. The Parent Teacher Association is an integral part of our school community. Over the years, the PTA has raised funds to pay for equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and the school’s facilities, as well as paying for every child in the school to go to the theatre. For most children this was their first time. Charity No: 1149815
The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scroll do
Our aim is to advance education of children and women from lower socio-economic background by assisting them in the provison of knowledge, skills, and necessary facilities. This is the best way to help them come out of poverty and become self-reliant. We have started this by supporting a well run local charitable school in Aligarh District of India which imparts completely secular modern education to children irrespective of caste or creed. This school is run by very respected and sincere social workers. The school and its activities are inspected twice a year by us to ensure that all the donations are being properly utilised. Besides, the school also trains women from poor backgrounds in basic literacy and vocational skills to make them self-sufficient. For more information, please visit
Wass village hall has served the community for 90 years and is now in need of replacement. It is heavily used for dances,panto's ,bridge, WI and all other meetings and folk arts events. It is due for demolition in March 2009. We have raised about half the funds needed from a population of only 110.It is a vital community building for our area.