The past few years have given us a stark reminder about the importance of science. As we look to the future, we need to empower young people to be confident, skilled problem solvers to take on the challenges facing society and our planet. We offer young people a unique experience by immersing them IN our deep tech science laboratories. With behind-the-scene tours, hands-on workshops in ‘The Learning Lab’ and conversations with real scientists and entrepreneurs, our future leaders get an insight into the power of research and discovery as well as a chance to become a scientist themselves.
Go Doc Go works to prevent cervical cancer around the world. We currently work with hospitals and clinics in Senegal, Ethiopia, The Gambia and Haiti. The women in these countries are at high risk for cervical cancer due to the lack of screening programs and the widespread prevalence of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer. Go Doc Go trains midwives, residents and physicians in these countries on how to screen women for cervical cancer using VIA ( Visual Inspection with acetic acid), an extremely effective and inexpensive technique that uses vinegar to detect precancerous activity. VIA allows women to be screened efficiently and safely without involving expensive laboratory fees. Go Doc Go has trained hundreds of medical personnel and screened thousands of women in the hopes that VIA will become a routine part of preventing cervical cancer. In addition to screenings, Go Doc Go trains physicians on how to treat abnormal results with thermoablation, cryotherapy and LEEP – all on equipment brought and donated by Go Doc Go.